Happy Days Bico
Happy Days Cream-White
Happy Days Cherry Red
Happy Days Lemon
Happy Days Neon
Happy Days Pink
Happy Days Purple
Happy Days Red Flame
Happy Days Scarlet
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Dahlia Collection |
The series Happy Days
Dahlia was introduced in 2011.
The varieties of this collection have a height of ± 25-30 cm.
The flowers are classified as 'single flowered' which means that
they have one row of outstanding petals round the open centre
that is colored brown or purple most of the times.
De Happy Days Dahlias are very well suited for culture as a
potted plant. They are available in many garden centres in
spring and early summer.
You can grow them in open field, in border, in a landscaping
project but also in larger containers and windowboxes. The will
bring flowers in sparkling colours all summer and autumn!
And, they are beloved by butterflies and bees! They will be
faithful visitors of these flowers.
